From routine periodic servicing to repairs and removal of lifts.
We provide a wide range of services to make sure that your lift remains in perfect working order.Service packages can be tailored to suit your specific needs.
We have the expertise to be able to solve any faults and, if required, source and replace the parts from our partners.
We work with a large and varied number of lift products and, as such, carry all of the relevant diagnostic tools to be able to carry out thorough investigations if a lift develops a fault.
If a part is required, we can obtain the part directly from our suppliers or usually, we would have any given part in stock.
This product has been designed to fall in line with the manufacturer stipulated service schedule. Usually, two services per year.
The standard product offers the same cover as the basic package but includes the provision for 2 LOLER visits per annum.
The Elite package is a fully comprehensive product offering unlimited call outs, 4 services per annum and 2 LOLER inspections.
A LOLER Thorough Examination Inspection is now compulsory for all platform lifts in public buildings throughout the UK.
Lifts should be inspected every 6 months to ensure that they are safe to use.
An inspection will include the following:
Determine the suitability of the lift.
Ensure correct usage.
Check for wear on parts.
Check for correct signage.
Any issues to be reported back to the lift owner and action to be taken as per the report.